Wednesday, September 17

I am 81 and the other person who I've talked to the longest... is my Father

The most talking I have done with anyone, right up to now, has been with my Father.
Just suppose for a moment there is no life for the dead, and suppose God doesn't exist! Then all my "life-long-talking" has been to no one. We did however talk about love.
Then all I have learned in-my-whole-life, including spiritual matters, has been self-taught.
Talking to one self?

So you see 4 Fathers here - 1 is missing?
The "One" who is both spiritual and biological is missing.
We need to talk about this "One"
It is both important and urgent.
This is my Grandfather (Kerr) 
Me at 81
My Father
Me and Father 1933


My Son Steven; is now a Father