Saturday, June 27

Our Silver Anniversary - Denise and Don Wesley - Memories and History lessons

December 7, 1969
A letter from Denise.
I had just left to return to work

in New York City
I drove back and forth every
Week to be with her and
the children we were gifted with.

I found this last night in old document files
 that Denise stored for me in a warehouse.
This one anniversary card is now 25 years older.


These printed words, said what I
needed to know, back then.
This year of 50 years of married life,
I now realize Denise and me
married and became one.
We were his gifts to each other
We used these gifts to enjoy Life.
Denise was far ahead of me.
2014 October 17.
I'm a bit sleepy and feeling great
that I found this card
Even if it has been 50 years.
And the 17th is a magical day for me.
Denise took this picture. She liked to see me
cuddling our grandchildren

Here below, you see my love for all.
Above at 81, you see the pain showing on my face.
My friends said so.
I thought it revealed the quiet love I felt.
Get your good friends to give you honest feedback to reach solid truth.

 Zayne and Nicky
in our Family Home - Heaven.
Denise made them "matching pants to wear"
They were soul-mates also

Denise - A picture she gave to me
Just a year before she left me