Saturday, October 15

The Evolution Of Plumbing

Geographic History

Fat Chance


American Hollow

Evil Spirits - Swedenborg and Life

How to Deal With Evil Spirits ....
Swedenborg and Life

Human Rights in the world ?

Eleanor Roosevelt  ~  Speech

Appalachia (USA) - Rich Land, Poor People


Appalachia (USA) - Rich Land, Poor People

Published on May 8, 2016
The land is rich with coal, yet its residents are denied adequate food, housing, or medical care. This, the Appalachian region, was the nation's first designated poverty area. This film focuses upon Eastern Kentucky where mechanization of the mines is replacing people and jobs. A lack of education and other working skills makes these residents prisoners of the land, as seen by a discerning interview with a local family.

Rich Land, Poor People

"Darlene" Chronicles -  A personal record of poverty.

Born 1933

[October 15, 2016 - Don Wesley found this precious Story.]

This award-winning documentary chronicles the life of a destitute Appalachian family. (America - USA) ~
1970 - 1995 

Darlene, the housewife, conducts her daily routine: carrying water, fueling a coal stove, disciplining her children, and making ends meet.

Movie about Darlene