Saturday, July 1

How Did Humans Become Intelligent

The Common Character Trait of Geniuses

Geniuses like Isaac Newton and Richard Feynman both

How Hollywood Gets Nietzsche Wrong

5 Amazing Uses For Spit

A visual guide to Bayesian thinking

Published on Jul 16, 2015

I use pictures to illustrate the mechanics of "Bayes' rule," a mathematical theorem about how to update your beliefs as you encounter new evidence. Then I tell three stories from my life that show how I use Bayes' rule to improve my thinking.

John Wesley - Christian Movie

Finding God in Science (Quantum Physics and God)

(Part 1) - Sarah McGee, PhD

How to Heal from Trauma - Childhood Trauma, PTSD, Emotional Abuse, etc.

Trauma, PTSD, Emotional Abuse, etc.